Mindful Breath Sangha resumes in-person meetings

Mindful Breath Sangha

We have been a “co-arising” Sangha during the pandemic, and will continue to be “sister Sanghas.” Now, The Mindful Breath Sangha of Athens, Georgia, is resuming in-person meetings.

They write:

“Dear Friends,

…we will be meeting at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Athens which is located at 780 Timothy Road Athens, GA 30606. Our first gathering is scheduled for this coming Sunday, June 12th, from 5:00 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. Moving forward, we will continue meeting each Sunday at this time. Every Sangha gathering is open to people of all colors, all religious backgrounds, all gender preferences, all immigrants-legal or illegal- all sexual preferences, and all levels of meditation practitioners.

While we are delighted that COVID is not dominating our population as it has in the past two years, it is incumbent upon us to continue exercising caution. The Unitarian Church is requiring us to wear masks during the times we are indoors. Once a vaccine has been released for young children, they will discontinue their requirement for masks.

Mindful Breath Sangha practices in the tradition of Zen MasterThich Nhat Hanh, and was founded in 2011. We enjoy walking and sitting meditation, music, dharma talks,(especially those focusing on the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh), dharma discussion, tea drinking and mindful eating.

Following this first gathering, we invite as many of you who are able to join us for dinner at Agua Linda Restaurant at the intersection of the Atlanta Hwy and Timothy Road. For those of us who are vegetarian/vegan, there are many vegetarian/vegan options on the menu. I hope you will be able to join us for Sangha and again around the dinner table for more interaction. If you have any questions, please email me at beckylockman@gmail.com or call me at 706-248-2418

WHAT: Mindful Breath Sangha Gathering
WHEN: Sunday, June 12th
WHERE: Unitarian Church Athens 780 Timothy Road
TIME: 5:00 P.M. to 6:30 P.M.

Participants who wish to join via Zoom will need to use the contact above to get this week’s meeting log-in link.